Massage Therapy Works

Relax. You Deserve It!

On-Site Chair Massage

There are many benefits to chair massage.

1. Reduces stress

2. Decreases anxiety and depression

3. Relieves muscle tension and pain

4. Improves quality of sleep

5. Relieves headaches

6. Lowers blood pressure

7. Prevents repetitive strain injuries

8. Increases immune function

9. Treats carpal tunnel and tendonitis

10. Increases focus, energy, and mental clarity


What do all these benefits translate into for your company?

1. Increase in employee productivity

2. Attract top talent (knowing this is a perk)

3. Increase employee retention

4. Decrease Worker's Compensation claims (repetitive strain injuries (carpal tunnel, tendonitis)

5. Reduce health care costs (less doctor's visits, less prescriptions)

6. Increase office morale


How long does it take to get into a relaxed state? 

- As little as five minutes.


How long should you schedule each massage?

- Can be as little as 10-minutes, upwards from there at 5-minute intervals. (10-min, 15- min, etc.)


There are choices on how often to have corporate chair massage available for employees.

- Many companies request every other week

- Many companies choose once a month

- Many companies choose for special events


There are a few choices for payment and tips.

- Company paid (employee appreciation, employees that go above and beyond, etc)

- Company/employee split 

- All paid by employee

- Tips are not required, but always appreciated!


Please contact us for a quote if you are interested.


Thank you!


Karen Renaud, LMT, BCMT, AAS

State Licensed Massage Therapist

Massage Therapy Works

3513 Elizabeth Lake Road, Suite 218

Waterford, Michigan 48327

Phone/Text: (734) 925-0512


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